
So here it is.  The new writing space.  I used to have a different blog, but that was before I was really serious about writing.  Now that I’ve gotten serious, I need a space to put all of this new stuff that I’m writing.  I also need a space I can point people to that will give them an idea of what my writing’s like and all of that.

I’m also going to add a few separate pages to this one where I can write about and link to my music, and any other creative projects I’ve got going on.  There will be a page dedicated just to stories, and there will probably be one for a podcast or two, once I get the gumption.

I like to do fiction challenges, like Chuck Wendig’s Flash Fiction feature, and I subscribe to a couple of other weekly contests, so my thought is that all of those stories will be posted here.  I may also start throwing up some writing prompts of my own - that is if people actually start reading this thing.

That’s it, then.  A new space for me to share my thoughts and stories with you.  Enjoy.



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